Public Safety
The Public Safety Academy prepares scholars for careers in police, fire and EMT.
Programs within this academy include Criminal Justice, Firefighting and EMT. The academy provides basic training for enrolled scholars in police, fire and local emergency response services. The programs in this academy prepare scholars for advanced certification/further education and/or immediate employment. Scholars are trained through hands-on experiences such as working alongside law enforcement, fire, and EMT professionals utilizing vehicles and equipment that meet industry standards.
I will graduate on time
I will earn industry credentials
I will be college and career ready
Policing, courts, corrections and government
Criminal Justice provides a detailed study of the criminal justice system and all of its components including: policing, the courts, corrections, and the government. This is a paramilitary structured course with hands-on applications and experiences currently used in policing, the study of law, as well as other fields. Scholars will perform self-defense, physical education, ASP, forensic science, traffic stops, accident investigation, building clearances, and suspect arrest and control.
Careers +
Coming soon.
Credentials +
Coming soon.
Schools +
Coming soon.
Learn firefighting tactics, fire behavior and more
Paramilitary classroom instruction and practical training, recruits will learn in-depth, hose advancement, water supply, building construction, ladders, ropes/knots, salvage/overhaul, rescue operation/techniques, ventilation, forcible entry, firefighting tactics, and fire behavior.
Choffin CTC’s professional, experienced instructors are committed to providing fundamentally strong and essential job skills, including honor, teamwork, leadership, and firefighter safety. This course exceeds the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) requirements and preps for State of Ohio Certification.
Careers +
Coming soon.
Credentials +
Coming soon.
Schools +
Coming soon.
Training for professional pre-hospital care providers
Entry-level training for the professional pre-hospital care provider. Learn the fundamentals of BLS (Basic Life Support), human anatomy and physiology, assessment-based care of medical and trauma emergencies, extrication, and transportation. Obtain management strategies, triage, and documentation skills. The course consists of classroom lectures, simulation labs, skill practicals, and both clinical/field rotations.
Successful program completion permits eligible candidates for the National Registry Exam required for the State of Ohio. (EMT certification is required by the State of Ohio for the advancement of Advanced EMT or Paramedic Level.) Students also earn AMCA EKG Technician Certification and AMCA Phlebotomy Technician Certification.
Careers +
Coming soon.
Credentials +
- AMCA EKG Technician Certification
- AMCA Phlebotomy Technician Certification
Schools +
Coming soon.
(911 Dispatch)
Work-force ready 9-1-1 Operator training essential to effective emergency dispatch. Practice handling simulated call scenarios in law, fire and EMS using a CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system and software. Develop call-taking intervention techniques for emergency dispatch; Domestic Violence, Suicide, Active Assailants, Medical Emergencies, and Stress Management. Maintain records of pertinent information and dispatching calls through radio operations.
This course is designed to provide candidates the knowledge, skills, and abilities to become a successful and qualified emergency dispatcher.
Careers +
Coming soon.
Credentials +
Coming soon.
Schools +
Coming soon.
Skilled Trades
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Public Safety
Choffin Career & Technical Center offers Youngstown City School District scholars career and technical education opportunities combined with hands-on learning experience to prepare them for their futures.
Notice of Nondiscrimination & Access to Equal Education | The Choffin Career and Technical Center and Youngstown City Schools will not discriminate nor tolerate harassment in its educational programs or activities for any reasons, including on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, military status, ancestry, or age and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Additionally, it will not discriminate in its employment policies and practices.